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Craig's Restorative Dental Materials 15E

Master the use of dental materials with this all-in-one guide to restorative materials and procedures! Craig's Restorative Dental Materials, 15th Edition, addresses the fundamental concepts and skills..


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Dental Caries: The Disease and its Clinical Management

Authoritative and comprehensive resource on the disease process and clinical management of dental caries. Dental Caries: The Disease and Its Clinical Management, 4th Edition maintains the same f..


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Introduction to Dental Materials 5E

Introduction to Dental Materials discusses and explains the science of clinical and laboratory dental materials. It will help you understand the properties, limitations and safe usage of different mat..


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Materials Science for Dentistry 10E

Materials Science for Dentistry, Tenth Edition, is a standard resource for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in dentistry. It provides fundamental coverage of the materials on which dentistry dep..


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Phillips' Science of Dental Materials 13th ed

Keep current with the evolving technology of dental materials! Phillips' Science of Dental Materials, 13th Edition provides comprehensive, up-to-date information on the materials used in cosmetic and ..


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Pickard's Guide to Minimally Invasive Operative Dentistry 10E

An ideal introduction to the theory and practical aspects of conservative dentistry, the tenth edition of Pickards' Guide to Minimally Invasive Operative Dentistry is a must-have text for all dental s..


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