Now fully-revised and updated, this second edition of ACT Made Simple includes new information and chapters on self-compassion, flexible perspective taking, working with trauma, and more. Why is it so..
Get a multi-dimensional understanding of musculoskeletal anatomy with Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual Therapists and Movement Professionals, 4th Edition. This hugely successful, one-of..
The perfect study companion, Animal Biology and Care, 3 rd Edition is specifically designed for students on animal care, animal nursing assistant and veterinary care assistant courses. This edition..
Äta Kitea te Pae – Scanning the Horizon, edited by Beverley Clark and Anne Grey, outlines the many diverse perspectives on early childhood teaching and learning in Aotearoa New Zealand and provides an..
For two decades readers around the world have been fascinated by Brian Capon's crystal-clear descriptions of how plants work. What happens inside a seed after it is planted? How do plants use each oth..
With more than 260,000 copies in print, this bestselling primer on the science of plants is back and better than ever, with updated content and new photography. What happens inside a seed after it is..
Breastfeeding Answers Pocket Guide, Second Edition by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA was written for those who help lactating families. This much smaller version of Breastfeeding Answers, Second Editi..
This new edition continues to be the classic core textbook for veterinary nursing students and a useful resource for qualified veterinary nurses. The edition has been revised and updated throughout a..
Presenting the non-directive and related points of view in counselling and therapy, this book defines the progress recently made in the development of the techniques and basic philosophy of counsell..
The new fourth edition of Clinical Procedures retains the popular format that has been so successful in establishing previous editions. All the principal procedures a nurse is likely to be called on t..
The definitive, fully-illustrated guide to the trees of Britain and non-Mediterranean Europe. This brand-new field guide to the trees of northern Europe contains some of the finest original tree illus..
"This book is easy to read and has relevant content for student midwives, with inclusion of reflective activities which are clear and appropriate. I particularly like the vignette's which are relevant..
Communication Skills is an accessible textbook for nursing and healthcare students seeking to understand the concept of communication and to develop their communication skills.
Through clea..
Essential guide to better communication in practice
Communication is a core skill for all healthcare professionals, regardless of their specific discipline. The fifth edition of Communication: ..
Lippincott (R) Connect Featured Title
Purchase of the new print edition of this Lippincott (R) Connect title includes access to the digital version of the book, plus related materials such as vide..
In this second edition of Cultural Safety in Aotearoa New Zealand, editor Dianne Wepa presents a range of theoretical and practice-based perspectives adopted by experienced educators who are active in..
This journal takes the fear out of career planning and personal development and provides students with a place to capture their learning and reflect on their experiences. It introduces readers to the ..
Counselling in Aotearoa New Zealand has moved towards an ethic of practice founded in partnership relationships. This accessible guide locates ethical practice in the context of New Zealand's Treaty-b..
This is a 4th edition of New Zealand's leading sociology textbook. The book introduces sociological concepts and methods before investigating key areas of sociology (class, race, gender, family life, ..
A companion volume to the award-winning and monumental 'New Zealand's Native Trees', this field guide is the perfect companion to take into the outdoors. Compact enough to fit in a day-pack, it contai..
This fully revised edition of Kevin Handreck's classic bestseller contains a wealth of information for practical gardeners. It will enable you to improve the worst of soils, choose the best fertiliser..
This text builds on the success of the previous edition. In this edition, Drewery & Claiborne are joined by co-authors who are internationally recognised scholars and researchers in Human Development&..
Kia tipu te wairua toi - Fostering the creative spirit: Arts in early childhood education captures the spirit of the New Zealand early childhood curriculum Te Whariki. At the same time, this book show..
Leadership & Management: Theory & Practice, 8e presents the current theory, research and practical application of management and leadership concepts in everyday language and in a context that makes it..
Learning and Being in Person-Centred Counselling has inspired and guided thousands of counselling students since it was first published in 1999. Tony Merry died in 2004, and this third edition has bee..
Learning Solution-Focused Therapy: An Illustrated Guide bridges the gap between the traditional medical model of problem-focused assessment and treatment and the newer, increasingly popular strength-b..
Trust Lehne's to make pharmacology more approachable! Known for its clear explanations of drug prototypes and how they work, Lehne's Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 11th Edition provides a solid unders..
Learn to provide the best prenatal, intrapartum, postpartum, and neonatal care possible. Maternal, Fetal, & Neonatal Physiology: A Clinical Perspective, 5th Edition includes expert insight and clinica..
The Essential Pharmacological Textbook for Australia and New Zealand McKenna's Pharmacology for Nursing and Health Professionals delivers essential pharmacological information in easy-to-learn steps, ..
Nga Hurihanga Ako Kohungahunga - Transformative teaching practices in early childhood education introduces current innovations in early childhood education teaching practice in New Zealand and discuss..
An indispensable guide to understanding, applying and conducting research in practice
It is essential that nurses and midwives are able to understand, interpret, synthesise and apply research f..
Making good nutritional choices can mean women optimise the outcomes of their birthing experience and offer their babies the best possible start in life. To support this, all health professionals who ..
Formerly entitled Occupational Therapy and Physical Dysfunction this seminal textbook builds on the strengths of all previous editions and continues to explore the work of occupational therapists with..
Lippincott Connect Featured Title Purchase the new print edition of this Lippincott Connect title includes lifetime access to the digital version of the book, plus related materials such as videos and..
Feel confident in your nursing calculations skills!
This easy-to-use textbook provides you with everything you need to know to improve your calculations skills and pass your exams first ti..
Gain the knowledge and skills you need to treat patients with physical disabilities! Pedretti's Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction, 9th Edition uses a case-based approach t..
This popular textbook provides an up-to-date guide to the knowledge and skills required for working successfully with people. The book is divided into three key areas of people skills development. Par..
It is now 25 years since the first edition of Person-Centred Counselling in Action appeared, offering the definitive exposition of the theory and practice of the person-centred approach. Since then th..
If you are worried that studying pharmacology will be difficult to apply to clinical practice, Pharmacology for Health Professionals is the book for you. Written by experienced health professional edu..
The new edition of Physiology in Childbearing with Anatomy and Related Biosciences continues to offer readers with a sound introduction to human biology as it relates to pregnancy and childbirth. The ..
Mick Cooper and John McLeod pioneer a major new framework for counselling theory, practice and research - the 'pluralistic' approach. This model breaks away from the orientation-specific way in which ..