This book outlines the effects that technology-induced change will have on sport within the next five to ten years, and provides food for thought concerning what lies further ahead. Presented as a col..
An engaging introduction to human and animal movement seen through the lens of mechanics.
An engaging introduction to human and animal movement seen through the lens of mechanics.How do Oly..
The coaching process is about enhancing performance by providing feedback about the performance to the athlete or team. Researchers have shown that human observation and memory are not reliable enough..
A text for those preparing for the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) examination and for upper-level undergraduates taking courses in the exercise sciences related to strength trai..
Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Eighth Edition With HKPropel Access, is a leading textbook that offers a comprehensive view of sport and exercise psychology. It draws connections between..
When working with sports men and women, the bio mechanist is faced with two apparently incompatible goals: reducing injury risk and improving sports performance. Now in a fully updated and revised edi..
Human beings are the 'all-rounders' of the natural world - while they aren't naturally the quickest, biggest or strongest creatures, they can achieve more amazing physical feats than any other animal...